
Nine new cases have been confirmed of COVID-19 in Dallas County Saturday.

The county now has 1,064 positive cases, according to the state dashboard, with 686 recoveries and 28 deaths. The statistics for Greene, Guthrie, and Adair counties haven’t changed since Friday, with Greene County having 27 positive cases and 15 recoveries, Guthrie having 61 positive cases with 47 recovered and four deaths, and Adair having 12 cases and 11 recoveries.

Across Iowa Saturday 258 additional positive cases have been confirmed for a total of 25,424. The number of individuals that have recovered increased by 123 for a total of 15,904, and no additional deaths have been confirmed, with a total of 681. The number of Iowans tested increased by 3,917 for a total of 249,207. Raccoon Valley Radio will continue to provide updates on COVID-19 as it affects the listening area.