Dale Hanaman lying on the ground for 8-minutes and 46-second to symbolize what happened to George Floyd
A peaceful, planned protest was held in Jefferson Tuesday at the Greene County Courthouse.
The event drew a smaller crowd than last week of about 15 people. Co-organizer Dale Hanaman started the rally with 8 minutes and 46 seconds of silence as he laid on the ground, facedown, with his hands behind his back to symbolize what George Floyd went through moments before his death while in Minneapolis police custody.
Jefferson resident Hollie Roberts participated in the protest and talked about why she was there.
“For me it’s pretty personal because I have two biracial grandchildren. And I guess I just don’t want them to have to face some of the things that black people have had to face. And definitely they’re young – they’re seven and four – but definitely they are beginning to understand some of what’s going on. We’re just here to be supportive of black lives because it’s so personal for us.”
Participants then walked around the courthouse on the sidewalk carrying signs for racial justice and against police brutality. Hanaman plans continue the weekly protest with the next one to be next Tuesday at noon on the southside of the courthouse.