The number of new COVID-19 cases reported in the Raccoon Valley Radio listening area continues to decrease, and to that point there were only two new positive tests in Dallas County as of Tuesday.
According to the Iowa Department of Public Health, the new cases bring the total in Dallas County to 1,028, with 670 fully recovered and 26 deaths. Elsewhere in the listening area, the figures stayed the same as yesterday, with 59 confirmed cases, 41 recovered, and four deaths in Guthrie County, 21 cases and 14 recovered in Greene, and 11 cases and six recovered in Adair. Statewide Tuesday, there were 119 new cases for a total of 24,165 positive tests since the pandemic arrived. Additionally, there were 10 more deaths reported in Iowa, for a total of 663. The IDPH also points out that 14,861 patients have recovered, and there have been 205,726 negative tests to date.
Raccoon Valley Radio will continue to bring the latest information on COVID-19 as it affects the listening area.