The Iowa Department of Public Health has announced there are more cases of COVID-19 in the Raccoon Valley Radio listening area as of Wednesday.
According to the state dashboard, there were six new positive tests reported in Dallas County and one in Greene. To date, there have been 972 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Dallas, with 642 patients recovered and 26 deaths. Greene is now up to 15 cases, with 14 of them recovered and no deaths. There were no new positive tests in Guthrie or Adair counties as of Wednesday, with 55 reported cases, 38 recovered, and four deaths in Guthrie, and nine cases, six recovered, and no deaths in Adair. Statewide, the case total rose by 338, with 22,516 positive tests reported since the outbreak began. There have been 179,698 negative tests to date, and 13,545 recovered.
Also reported by the IDPH Wednesday were six new coronavirus-related deaths statewide, for a total of 629. Raccoon Valley Radio will continue to bring the latest information on COVID-19 as it affects the listening area.