
The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday night in regular session.

The main item that drew a lot of comments was on the proposed noise control ordinance. Mayor Matt Gordon began the conversation by stating that the first reading of the ordinance was tabled and will be brought back to the police committee. He said the ordinance is meant to be a tool for the police department to deal with specific noise complaints from residents, because currently officers have no ability to enforce noise complaints. Mayor Gordon and Police Chief Mark Clouse told the room full of residents that the officers will not be actively looking for people not adhering to the ordinance, it is rather a reactionary ordinance not a proactive one. 

Most of the complaints that were voiced during the meeting were about the decibel levels, concerned about not having their children play outside and yell, along with not being able to drive motorcycles in town. Mayor Gordon said the committee will revise the proposed ordinance and take everyone’s concerns into consideration.

The Council then approved a letter of support for Jefferson Matters: Main Street’s application for designation as an Iowa Great Place. It was noted at the meeting that the designation would allow for additional access to grant funds for additional projects. The Council also approved the second pay estimate to Leroy and Sons of $282,763 to relocate 243rd Street as part of the airport runway extension project, a facade improvement application of $75,000 of the estimated $150,000 apartment project at 215 South Wilson Avenue, contingent upon the project being approved for workforce housing tax credits. 

Additionally, the Council approved city council meetings to be video recorded with Sebourn Video Services for $120 per meeting for six months and setting a public hearing for July 14th for the plans and specifications, form of contract and cost estimate for the Arch Alley and City Hall parking lot project. 

The Council then tabled a two-year lease agreement with Gravitate to use the property at 202 East State Street, pending final lease price. Finally, the Council approved to be the applicant for a Community Development Block Grant through the federal government and Iowa Economic Development Authority for second story living in the downtown area.