Guthrie County’s Relay for Life chapter “stomped out” cancer at their annual event last year, but tomorrow they’re putting foot to pedal for their “Scoop the Loop for Hope” event.
Organizers postponed their annual Relay for Life event because of COVID-19 restrictions, so instead of walking the track and lighting luminarias, over 100 yard signs have been purchased to be placed on the main drags of Adair, Guthrie Center, Panora, and Stuart to honor those who’ve fought cancer as National Cancer Survivors Day is celebrated Sunday. The public is then encouraged to decorate their vehicles, wear their favorite Relay for Life t-shirt, and scoop the loop in one of the four mentioned communities tomorrow night.
Committee member Kim Durst says they’ve also been firing people up with daily Facebook posts and dressup themes this week, “(We’re) just trying to get everyone engaged, like this Relay Week because we really don’t know if the Scoop the Loop for a Cure is going to be our actual relay event, or if we’re going to be able to get together hopefully in the fall to celebrate our survivors. But for now, you know what? We’re going to celebrate and scoop the loop for our cancer survivors here in Guthrie County on Saturday night at 6:30 (p.m.)”
Volunteers will also be accepting donations to go toward the American Cancer Society and will be handing out 2020 Relay for Life pins and temporary tattoos in each of the towns. Raccoon Valley Radio will be broadcasting live from 5:30-7:30 p.m. with the Big Red Radio in Guthrie Center.