As much of Iowa begins to reopen in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Perry is continuing to keep a relatively tight lid on things for the time being.
City Administrator Sven Peterson says there are a few things that are slowly starting to reopen around Perry, such as: playgrounds, parks, and other outdoor athletic opportunities; finger-printing and vehicle inspections through the police department; and material take back at the library. He says they may also reopen the splash pad and indoor pool at the McCreary Community Building in the coming weeks, depending on guidance from the state. However, the rest of the McCreary Center, the library, and all other City offices will remain closed for the foreseeable future.
Peterson emphasizes that City staff is paying close attention to the continued spread of the virus locally, and will make decisions with public health in mind. “I know it’s sometimes hard to see other communities doing different things, but we definitely are in a more unique situation here in Perry with the level of community spread and cases within our community. So (we’re) just trying to keep that in mind, trying to keep the safety of our community and our staff in mind as we make these decisions to relax some of those actions that we did end up taking a couple months ago. So just bear with us, we want to be open fully to the public again, but we also are keeping safety top of mind throughout all of this.”
To learn more about this and other City of Perry topics, listen to today’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program on air and at RaccoonValleyRadio.com.