While the second quarter meeting of the 100+ People for Perry was not held as originally scheduled due to COVID-19 concerns, that didn’t stop the group from donating to several local nonprofit organizations.
Each member was asked by organizer Tom Lipovac to donate the $100 they would have contributed during the meeting to a cause of their choice. The hope was that the group could still have a positive impact on the Perry community, even if they didn’t meet in an official capacity. The result was donations to at least eight local nonprofits, which members shared with each other in an email thread. Supported organizations included: Crossroads Church; Dallas County Hospital Foundation; Hispanics United for Perry; Perry Area Food Pantry; Perry Lutheran Homes; Raccoon River Pet Rescue; Rowley Masonic Community; and St. Patrick’s Catholic School.
To date, the 100+ People for Perry has pledged $125,800 to 18 local projects since their formation in 2016. The group’s mission is to invest in Perry’s future through supporting projects and charities that advance the quality of life for residents. The third quarter donation meeting will be held Monday, August 24th at 7 p.m., and may be held remotely depending on coronavirus concerns. Anyone interested in joining can contact Lipovac at Tom.Lipovac@perry.k12.ia.us, Mark Powell at mpowell@fdplawfirm.com, or Linda Kaufman at kaufmanlinda1948@gmail.com.