While many businesses have been allowed to reopen during the COVID-19 pandemic, Guthrie Center residents may be wondering which businesses are still limiting their services or hours during this time.
Guthrie Center Chamber President Kristen Crouthamel encourages the public before they go out to dine-in or shop, to visit the Chamber’s or Main Street Guthrie Center’s Facebook pages to find a post that will give them a directory of the local businesses, “When you click on the spreadsheet it opens up a Google document and that stays updated regularly, so if you click on it today it might be different tomorrow. So if you’re wondering if this restaurant or that store or this service provider, your dentist, or chiropractor are open and what their hours are and do you have to set an appointment, that sort of thing, just go out there and check that post and open that document and it’ll also, there’s links for each and every one of their individual Facebook pages as well.”
Crouthamel thanks Main Street Guthrie Center Director Dana Buster for her efforts in creating the business spreadsheet, a link to which can be found here.