The Panorama School Board approved the fiscal year 2020 amended budget Monday.
This included about a $250,000 increase in total support services and over a $100,000 increase in non instructional programs for increased nutritional program expenses. The Board had the 2020-2021 school year start date and master calendar revision on their regular meeting agenda, but Superintendent Shawn Holloway explains why no changes were made, “A week or so ago the Governor came out and said you can start school before the official start date this year so she waived the school start date. So we put together a calendar that would’ve started before the 24th of August but then late last week she (Reynolds) came out (saying) the only way to do that is if your calendar was extended, meaning more student contact days, more teacher contract days. And the proposed calendar I put together didn’t fall into that category and so we pretty well scratched that idea and we’re going to stay with our original plan.”
The Board also approved the 2020-2021 teacher leader contracts, and sharing agreements for a teacher librarian with the Earlham School District and a school business official with the West Central Valley School District. Finally, they approved elementary literacy and secondary math curriculum purchases, and the purchase of 250 Chromebooks.