High school coaches have not been permitted to have in-person contact with athletes since mid-March due to COVID-19. Raccoon Valley Radio reached out to Caden Duncan, the head football coach and strength & conditioning coach for the Greene County School District.
The coach talked about what facilities the athletes can and cannot use during this period of time. “I’m pushing out workouts each week they can do on their own. Our school weight room is not available to use right now, but the Rec (Greene County Community Center) is. I know we’ve got some guys going in and completing their workouts at the Rec. They’ve got to follow the guidelines there for safety reasons, obviously, and we’ve also got a lot of guys who are doing workouts at home. I’m also sending out various workouts guys can do at home if they’re not able to get into the Rec Center on a weekly basis to complete those workouts.”
Raccoon Valley Radio and www.raccoonvalleyradio will bring you official updates on high school sports relating to the Pandemic.