The Adel-DeSoto-Minburn School Board will convene Monday evening for a special session.
The action items will begin with consideration of a new resolution regarding the COVID-19 pandemic response and emergency suspension of policy. The plan includes continuing pay for hourly and classified employees, providing voluntary educational opportunities, and waiving instructional time requirements due to the school’s closure. Next, the Board will consider a services agreement with Construction Materials Testing for the new elementary building project. Following that, they will consider a tentative agreement for collective bargaining with the certified staff, as well as a quote for concrete work at the District Administration Center in Adel.
The Board will then receive reports on plans for continuous learning, grading and credits, and graduation. The meeting will conclude with an exempt strategy session for classified staff salary settlements, followed by consideration of the settlements in open session. The meeting will be held Monday at 5:30 p.m. Due to social distancing mandates, anyone from the public wanting to attend can do so remotely. To access the meeting, call 1-315-801-9474 and enter the PIN 107-987-095#.