
This week, the City of Perry partnered with the Chamber of Commerce to launch a local COVID-19 economic stimulus program, and the results so far have been promising.

The Perry Pride Business Booster program involves the public buying gift cards to local businesses, with the City adding funds on top of what’s purchased. In simpler terms, you can spend $20 and get $30 to use at over 40 different locations in Perry. Chamber Director Lynsi Pasutti says the promotion came about through a lot of brainstorming, and she feels it’s a win-win for the public and the businesses, both of whom have been impacted by coronavirus closures. It’s been made possible thanks to a $100,000 grant from the City, paid for by local option sales and services tax funds, which City Administrator Sven Peterson points out a portion will go right back into the fund when the local dollars are spent.

Pasutti adds, it didn’t take long for the public to get on board with the promotion, which she feels is indicative of it being a great deal and of the Perry community’s willingness to support each other. “So far it’s been going really great, (in the) first 24 hours we saw more than 200 gift cards purchased. So that’s really nice to see that instant approval that this is a program that people are wanting and needing right now, and we hope that this is going to be a great resource for our businesses as well. So just like any gift card, it’s a matter of buying now and enjoying it later.”

The gift cards are available to purchase online, and can be accessed by clicking the link below. To learn more about the promotion, listen to today’s and Monday’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County programs on air and online.