
The COVID-19 pandemic has created some positive and negative effects for Springbrook State Park in Guthrie County, as 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of Iowa State Parks.

Following the Governor’s proclamation Springbrook has had to close its campground, bathrooms, shelters, playgrounds, and other facilities for the rest of April. They’ve also had to cancel educational events this month, and their first major event to celebrate state parks’ centennial scheduled for May 1st is in jeopardy. Springbrook Park Ranger Rod Nelson says the event hasn’t yet been officially cancelled, which includes a vintage car tour and an author presentation on Civilian Conservation Corps camps.

Nelson reminds the public that the park remains open for daytime use, “You know you gotta take away some positives and the one thing that I do notice is there’s a lot more folks that are probably confined to their homes due to their work or whatever the reason is and they are now coming outside and enjoying the outdoors. And maybe they didn’t take the time earlier but they sure have time now for most families and it’s unbelievable to see the number of people out here on a daily basis: on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, doesn’t matter, they’re out here every day.”

Nelson urges park visitors to be safe in preventing the spread of COVID-19 to keep six feet apart, avoid popular areas where people may congregate, bring your own hand sanitizer and soap and use frequently, and stay home if you have been sick in the last two weeks.