
Bids to renovate a portion of the old fire hall were approved at the recent Guthrie Center City Council meeting.

The Council approved a bid of $14,262 from Irlmeier Construction and Repair to build a new exterior wall and pour concrete where a dump truck had collided with the building last October. They also approved a bid of $5,730.50 to McDermott Roofing to extend and seal the roof. The Council also approved setting a public hearing date for April 27th on proposed plans, specifications, form of contract and cost estimate on the pool house and public restroom project. Additionally, the Council reviewed the five contractor bids that were opened on April 8th, and approved a resolution authorizing the use of a preliminary official statement for the sale of $800,000 in general obligation bonds for the project. They also approved authorizing Mayor Mike Herbert to sign a sewer easement, appointed Council Member Fidel Hernandez to the Main Street Guthrie Center Board, and discussed sending a notice to local landlords about a possible rental ordinance.