
As face masks have grown popular in Iowa as over 1,500 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in the state, some might ask if this sort of protection is necessary in rural areas.

Adair and Guthrie County Emergency Management Coordinator Bob Kempf says though the state and federal governments have not required the public to wear face masks, he does recommend it. Kempf shares he carries a mask in his vehicle and additional ones in his coat pockets to ensure he’s prepared at all times to wear one if he finds himself in a situation where he can’t remain six feet apart from others, “I think it’s a good, common-sense thing once again, in being prepared so that if you find yourself in a situation to where you feel uncomfortable or it’s just not possible for you to practice that social distancing you’re prepared to take the steps you can to protect your family and your loved ones.”

Above all else, Kempf encourages everyone to stay home if possible, and if residents are going out to buy groceries or run other errands, to not bring other family members with them as that can make social distancing more difficult. He adds that information on making homemade masks and other COVID-19 facts can be found on Adair and Guthrie counties’ COVID-19 website.