
The Jefferson City Council will meet electronically Tuesday night.

The Council will consider for approval adopting the 2021 fiscal year budget and the plans and specifications for the Chestnut and Adams water main improvement project, following public hearings on the topics. Additionally, the Council will consider approving hiring a patrol officer for the police department, awarding a contract for the 100 East State Street roof replacement project, and a resolution to order bids, approve plans, specifications and form of contract for the Jefferson Municipal Airport runway extension project. They will also set public hearings on the runway extension project and an amendment to the Urban Renewal Plan. 

Finally, the Council will consider approving committee appointments and hear an update from the cat committee on the feral cat situation. 

The meeting will be at 5:30pm Tuesday from the City Hall Council Chambers. Due to COVID-19 concerns, the meeting will be held electronically, either by calling 1-312-626-6799  and using the meeting ID number: 377 759 2273, or via Zoom application and using the same ID number.