With no school and no school-related activities, including sports, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Greene County Activities Director Todd Gordon told Raccoon Valley Radio coaches and athletes alike will be happy if they get a chance to compete. Governor Reynolds has set May 1 as a date schools may resume classes, but that could change. The governing bodies of high school sports in Iowa put out a release earlier this week stating that abbreviated seasons would be held for track & field, golf, soccer, and tennis, if school resumes May 1.

Mr. Gordon told Raccoon Valley Radio he’s been in touch with Greene County coaches and the focus has shifting to giving the kids a chance to have a season and not on the schedule. “Most of them have said they’re just happy to play if they get the chance to play. They aren’t being real picky about their schedules. It’s more just let’s give the kids the opportunity. I think we’ve grown to the point where we just appreciate the opportunity.”

If there is a track & field season, the A.D. said the Rams would not be hosting high school meets. Normally, the Rams host a coed Early Bird meet in late March and then the Ram Relays in April, but if an abbreviated track & field season is held, the Rams will not host any meets.