
Amid all the concerns created by the coronavirus pandemic, one some people may not have considered is phone scams.

Dallas County Sheriff Chad Leonard says a public health emergency like COVID-19 is precisely the type of issue that brings out a variety of scam artists. He points out, the public’s best weapon against it is to not take anything at face value, and to be suspicious of calls from someone you don’t know. “If you think that you’re possibly getting scammed, or something seems too good to be true, (it) probably is. We will definitely help you track it down to make sure that it’s valid or not. I’d rather do it that way than have to help you recover a bunch of money you lost in some scam. And people are going to take advantage of this coronavirus, they’re going to claim they’re nonprofit organizations and this, that, and the other. Please second guess all that stuff; call us or look into it yourself before you write a check.”

If you think you’ve been scanned, contact the Dallas County Sheriff’s Office at 515-993-4771. To hear more from Leonard on how they’re handing COVID-19, click the link below to listen to the recent Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program with him.
