Any other year, a day like today would have had track & field athletes, coaches, and fans, nearly giddy with joy. A sunny late March Monday with temperatures at 60 degrees or above would be far beyond expectations for the Greene County Rams’ Early Bird Coed Track & Field Meet in Jefferson at Linduska Field. Most years when this meet is cancelled it’s because of too-cold temperatures, too much rain, or in some years, snow on the track. This year, for the first time, the meet isn’t being held because of COVID-19, the virus that has greatly altered life- shutting down schools and all-school related activities.
The soonest Iowa schools would resume classes is currently set for the third week of April. If classes resume then, decisions will be made about Spring sports, and what type of seasons, if any, will be held.
Activities Director Todd Gordon is staying in touch with the various Spring sports coaches, and the coaches, likewise, are communicating with athletes, although no in-person contact is allowed while school is not in session.
Raccoon Valley Radio and brings you updates on the coronavirus pandemic and how it affects us.