
Greene County Medical Center is continually working to keep employees and patients safe during the outbreak of COVID-19.

The medical center is not allowing visitors, except for the primary care provider of a patient, and no visitors at all in long term care. Those with non-essential appointments are asked to be postponed at this time and wellness checks are available from 7am-noon and ill checks are from 1-5pm. The medical center is also planning to suspend elective surgeries and other procedures such as mammograms and sleep studies to a later date. 

Director of Public Relations Nancy Houska explains how medical center staff is adhering to the restriction of not holding gatherings of more than ten people.

“We have decided to do most of our meetings here at the facility virtually, where most of us sitting at our desk and having our important meetings, or in very small groups (and) paying attention to that ten or less gatherings.”

Medical center staff were also shown how to use personal protective equipment and the equipment that is required if testing for COVID-19 during a Skills Fair event. The medical center will continue to work with other state and local entities to make adjustments as needed as more information about the novel coronavirus-19 is released.