Following the announcement of schools closing until April 13th, both Greene County and Paton-Churdan school districts have developed a system to provide sack lunches for students.

The Grab-and-Go Sack Lunch programs will allow any child from 0-18 years-old to be provided one free lunch Monday-Friday during the three weeks that schools are closed. For Greene County’s program, meals will be served from 11:30am-1pm at the Greene County Middle School, as well as the Grand Junction, Rippey and Scranton community centers. Paton-Churdan will have meals served at the bus stop near the school from 11:30am-12:30pm. Motorists are instructed to drive up to the entrances of the meal sites and meals will be brought to you.

The temporary lunch program is in response to Governor Kim Reynolds recommendation of closing all schools for four weeks, due to the heightened awareness of the 2019 novel coronavirus. Greene County is asking anyone who is planning to participate to take a short survey so they have a better idea of the number of meals to prepare. Paton-Churdan is asking for participants to contact Lacy Cullum at The program will begin Monday, March 23rd. Click here to access the Greene County survey.