The Perry City Council will convene Monday evening in regular session.
The meeting will start with a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the Perry Urban Renewal Area, adding the entirety of Wiese Park. Following the hearing, the Council will consider a related resolution. They will then consider setting public hearings on a general obligation urban renewal community building loan agreement, and on an agreement with Perry Economic Development. Also in old business, the Council will consider authorizing an internal funding advance, as well as a development agreement and promissory note related to Hotel Pattee. They will also set a public hearing on the presentation of the fiscal year 2021 budget, and approve a pay application for the McCreary Community Building project.
In new business, the Council will consider appointments to the Perry Board of Adjustment and Airport Commission, as well as to the Heart of Iowa Regional Transit Authority (HIRTA) Transportation Advisory Group. The meeting will conclude with consideration of a resolution approving the job description for city clerk, due to the impending retirement of Paula Rychnovsky. The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Monday in the Clarion Room at Perry City Hall.