
West Central Valley Senior Justin Garcia has to wrestle in three different matches on Saturday in the class 1A district 7, but came away victorious in two of them to qualify for second place and make it to the state tournament. Garcia defeated Nick Stevens in the semifinal round via a fall to reach the final, but fell to Seth Danker of ACGC in a 5-0 decision that forced Garcia to face Stevens again to make the tournament. Garcia defeated Stevens a second time and was able to qualify for the state tournament for the second consecutive year at the 126 mark.

Weston Pote, Cael Carl, Braiden Beane, Wesley Ganoe, and West Sackett all wrestled for a chance for state, but none of them were able to qualify and unfortunately their seasons ended. It was a great effort from all of the wrestlers mentioned, as all had wonderful seasons.

Garcia will be wrestling in Des Moines at the 1A tournament on Thursday for the first round. That session will be from 6-9 pm at Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines, as Garcia hopes to make some noise in the tournament.