For the second time this month, the Perry community welcomed Democratic Presidential hopeful Andrew Yang for a meet and greet.
The venue for the event was changed to the Perry Perk Coffee Shop, after there were some building issues at La Poste Tuesday morning. The shop was filled with people interested in learning more about the California entrepreneur, though it wasn’t as tightly packed as the event on January 3rd. Yang went over his platform, which has gained notoriety for what he calls the “Freedom Dividend,” a proposed $1,000 monthly payment to any American age 18 and older.
His talking points mostly involved finance, and how people are struggling to make ends meet in an economy that’s thriving in theory. “Perry, these are the things we claim to value most in our lives: our children, our families, our communities, our democracy; and we’re allowing them to get zeroed out one by one by one. And we’re allowing them to get zeroed out because we have collectively been confused to think that we work for the economy. And what I’m saying is that this economy has to work for us, this economy has to work for you and your families.”
Yang is one of 12 Democrats in the running for the party’s nomination for President, and he’s hoping for a surge into this Monday’s Iowa Caucuses that will send him to victory in June and November.