
The Dallas County Board of Supervisors will convene Tuesday morning in regular session.

The meeting will start with setting the time and date for public hearings to award bids for the new courtroom and Ortonville Lagoon demolition projects. After that, the Board will have discussion and possible action on a meal contract for the Dallas County Jail, and will consider the cancellation of prior year outstanding checks. At 9:30 a.m., there will be a public hearing for the second reading of a proposed amendment to the local option sales and services tax ordinance, involving the City of Perry.

The Supervisors will then consider acceptance of the appraisals for several Secondary Roads Department buildings, as well as an appointment to the Fox Creek Benefited Water District Board of Directors. The session will conclude with a budget workshop. The meeting will be held at 9 a.m. Tuesday in the Board of Supervisors meeting room in downtown Adel.