Students at Perry Elementary and St. Patrick’s Catholic School are invited to take part in a special dance clinic, hosted by experienced performers.

Perry High School’s Pulse Dance Team will lead a class for children in kindergarten through 5th grade. The clinic will be held on Friday, February 28th from 3:45-5 p.m. at Perry High School. Participants will then get to showcase what they learned later that day at the Pulse Spring Showcase at 7 p.m. The cost to participate is $20 per person, which includes a t-shirt and free admission to the showcase. Family members and guests will still have to pay for tickets to the showcase, as it’s a fundraiser for the dance team.

Registration forms can be picked up at both Perry Elementary and St. Pat’s, and can be turned in at your respective school’s office. The deadline to sign up is January 29th, and late registrants will not be accepted.