DOT snow plow on Highway 30 in Greene County. Photo courtesy of DOT
An early morning bout of wintry mix is impacting travel on the roads Wednesday.
According to the Iowa Department of Transportation, all state roads in Greene County are partially covered with snow, ice or slush, while state roads in Guthrie County are partially covered or completely covered. The DOT reports a tow ban is in place for Adair County. Plow crews are out, so motorists are reminded to give them plenty of room to clear the roads.
The National Weather Service has Greene, Dallas and Guthrie counties under a winter weather advisory until 6pm today. They anticipate 2-4 inches of mixed precipitation through tonight, with an additional 3-4 inches of snowfall tomorrow and Friday. The impending weather has also caused Greene and Paton-Churdan school districts to cancel school for today. Temperatures will continue to hover around the freezing point of 32-degrees, which could cause a mix of rain, freezing drizzle and snow for the next few days. Listen to the Raccoon Valley Radio Network for road condition updates and cancellation and delay information.