
With snow on the ground and more expected to be on the way, the Perry Police Department feels now is a good time to remind residents of the City’s snow ordinance.

Under the City code, any time there is more than half-an-inch of snow accumulation, the ordinance goes into effect. During that time, vehicles are not allowed to be parked or left unattended on any City street, alley, or public parking lot until the snow event has ceased and the right-of-way has been cleared, curb to curb. Police Chief Eric Vaughn says anyone in violation of the ordinance will be cited, and if the snowfall is severe enough the vehicle could be towed at the owner’s expense. He adds, the Police Department will give the public warning that the ordinance will be activated prior to most snow events, as they did Friday morning.

Anyone with questions about the Perry snow ordinance can contact Perry City Hall at 515-465-2481.