
Project documents are being finalized for four walking trails to be developed in the City of Jefferson.

The most recent project that the City Council approved was re-paving the walking trail at Daubendiek Park. City Administrator Mike Palmer says the project includes new concrete on the 25-year-old, ½-mile trail. He explains the Council is including the trail with two similar projects at Greenewood and Central Avenue, which were already approved by the Council as part of the $2.4 million general obligation bond for the City. 

“In talking with the engineers (Bolton and Menk) we already have several other trail projects, this would fit right into a third trail project. So we can bundle it altogether and hopefully that we get an improved price on it from a contractor since the overall scope of the work will be much, much larger.”

The Council previously approved a trail to the new Greene County High School on Central Avenue for an estimate of $200,000, a trail from the Greenewood Center to the current high school of $350,000 and the Daubendiek Park trail of $325,000. Palmer adds, the Council will need to approve the final bid, which the projects are anticipated to be out for bid later this month or next month.