0029 hrs, An officer located an Open Door at 204 North Grimmell Road. The officer secured the door after checking the building.
0327 hrs, AN officer was requested at ER, located at 1000 West Lincoln Way Street, for an employee that was unaccounted for. The employee arrived back at ER as the officer arrived.
1035 hrs, Phyliss Wood requested an officer in the 1000 Block of West Adams Street. Her vehicle had been parked in the area for an extended period of time. She returned the vehicle today and believed someone had been inside the locked vehicle. Nothing was reported missing.
1150 hrs, The Jefferson City Water Department reported to an officer the water service had once again been turned back on at 702 West Mahlon Street. The service had been shut off for non-payment, but workers found the valve had been turned back on. The officer is investigating.
1241 hrs, Rich Burkhardt reported the Theft of a cell phone from 401 East McKinley Street.
1306 hrs, Janet Bass reported debris in the roadway in the 1000 Block of North Elm Street. The officer did not locate the reported debris in the area.
1415 hrs, Susan Forkner brought a stray puppy to the LEC. The officer placed the pup in the Animal Holding Facility.
1714 hrs, A caller advised of a Careless Driver on 220th Street, heading west into Jefferson. The officers did not locate the vehicle.
1726 hrs, Adam Choruzek requested an officer at 205 South West Street for a vehicle blocking him in the driveway. The officer arrived and spoke to all involved and worked to a resolution to a Civil issue occurring there.
1747 hrs, Allison Tucker reported her two dogs had escaped from 900 South Elm Street. A few minutes later the officer learned one of the animals had been struck and killed by a vehicle in the 100 Block of West Vest Street. The officer disposed of the carcass for the owner.
2205 hrs, An officer checked with residents at 606 South Locust after a 911 Hang Up Call from the area. All was fine and the officer learned a new phone had accidentally dialed 911.
Note: All charges are merely an accusation. All defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.
Mark A. Clouse
Chief of Police