
Today is the last day that you can register at a discounted price for the 43rd annual Bike Ride to Rippey, or BRR Ride.

The event will be held on February 1st, and Perry Chamber of Commerce Director Lynsi Pasutti says they like to get as many people as possible registered ahead of time. She says their goal is to have 300 riders signed up before January 1st, and the lower registration fee is their way to encourage early commitment. “We are doing kind of a tiered registration. So if you register before New Years, it’s $25. It goes up $5 leading up to the event. So there’s a little discount to do it sooner than later, instead of waiting to see what the weather forecast is.”

Starting tomorrow, the registration fee will be $30 per rider, and it will increase to $35 after January 25th, and $40 the day of the ride. Pasutti reminds potential participants that the registration fee is non-refundable, but emphasizes that the event will be held regardless of the weather on February 1st. BRR is one of the largest fundraisers of the year for the Chamber, and this year they’re also offering a “support the ride” option of $15 for non-riders. Additionally, registrants can donate money to the connector trail project when they sign up.

For more information or to register, click the link below.
