
Scholten in Churdan in December of 2019

About 25 people attended a town hall at the Churdan Community Room Monday night for a Democratic congressional candidate.

J.D. Scholten told attendees that he was originally inspired to go into politics and run against Republican incumbent Steve King last election cycle was due to his grandmother. She told him right before she died that she wanted him to move back to Iowa from Seattle, Washington and take care of the farm. Since then, Scholten said he is continuing his campaign from last time to “Fix” health care, “Fight” for an economy that works for everyone and “Secure” our democracy.

Scholten’s goal is to have a universal health care program with a public option. In terms of an economy that works for everyone, he wants to enforce antitrust laws for the agriculture industry and create better markets for farmers. And to secure democracy, Scholten wants to reform campaign finance and drive out special interests from Washington, D.C. 

Monday night’s stop in Churdan was part of Scholten’s “Don’t Forget About Us” Tour. He told Raccoon Valley Radio why he wants to reach smaller towns of under 1,000 people.

“That’s one thing we were committed to last time (is) we went to all 39 counties at least three times. Our campaign is about getting out there to the people (and) seeing where they’re at. It’s that extra effort and I believe what this job is, being a member of Congress, is about serving the people and finding people where they’re at. That’s so much of our campaign.”   

Scholten then addressed questions from the audience including national debt, connecting rural hospitals to mental health and substance abuse programs, infrastructure, supporting rural school districts and conservation practices for agriculture.