The Greene County School Board will meet twice tomorrow night.

The work session will begin at 5:15pm. The Board will hear an update on the new high school and career academy project, as well as plans for the high school into a middle school project. Finally, the Greene County FFA Chapter will present on their recent trip to the National FFA Convention.

The regular meeting will start at 6:30pm. The Board will consider for approval a private placement engagement letter with Piper Jaffray and a preliminary loan participation package for the 2020 sales tax revenue bonds. Additionally, the Board will consider the revised voluntary retirement policy, fundraiser requests, open enrollment out and English Language Learners beyond five years as part of the School Budget Review Committee request for modified supplemental aid. Finally, the Board will consider approving a change order from Henkel Construction on the new building project and a revised board policy for students to use the internet safely and responsibly.

Both meetings will take place in the administrative building in Jefferson.