Public Health Director Becky Wolf (standing left) presenting 2021 fiscal year funding request to Supervisors
The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.
During open forum, County Attorney Thomas Laehn gave an update. He said there is currently 73 pending criminal cases of serious misdemeanor and higher in his office. Laehn then mentioned there are 14 individuals serving informal probation with the sheriff’s office and Boone County Probation. Following an update on the vicious animal ordinance, the Board agreed to help Sheriff Jack Williams with passing something to help with animals that attacked, but were unprovoked.
Also during open forum, Greene County Assessor Adam Smith told the Board that Wild Rose Casino and Resort in Jefferson were going to plead their case to the Property Assessment and Appeal Board, and Jefferson Hy-Vee to district court. Each were protesting the 19-percent commercial assessment increase from the Department of Revenue, due to a lower assessment given from the county assessor’s office for 2018.
The Board continued hearing funding request for the 2021 fiscal year, including: Greene County Public Health for $300,000; New Opportunities for $5,304 for the Family Development Center, $6,979 for the substance abuse treatment program, and $7,608 for the substance abuse prevention program; and Heart of Iowa Habitat for Humanity of Greene County and Jefferson Matters: Main Street each asked for $5,000. The Board took no action after hearing the requests.
The Board also approved hiring Reed Larson as a part-time employee for the Secondary Roads Department, cancelling an agreement with Access Systems for the Greene County Sheriff’s Office and a contract of $2,435 from Cott Systems for the Records for Online Index Books program. Additionally, the Board tentatively approved the engineer’s report for an open ditch clean out project in drainage district 187 and scheduled a public hearing for January 30th at 10am.
The meeting ended in a closed session for an appeal with general assistance.