
A Democratic candidate for President of the United States paid a visit to Perry Monday.

Marianne Williamson, a self-help author and new age philosophy lecturer from California, stopped into the Common Wealth Provisions sandwich shop for a meet and greet with the community. She spent much of the time discussing what she called “an immoral system” of government, and declared herself as an outsider who could put the nation back on the right path. “What we need right now – what Franklin Roosevelt said was the most important aspect of the Presidency – and that’s moral leadership and moral servitude. That’s what we need in a President today. Somebody who is not so embedded in that system that they can’t see. Somebody who comes from outside the system and says, ‘What’s really wrong here is that this thing is so unbelievably corrupt, and that this stops right now!’ And that would be me.”

Williamson is one of 15 Democrats currently vying for the party’s nomination in the June primary election. Like the other candidates, she is hoping to do well in the Iowa Caucuses, to be held February 3, 2020, and has spent a great deal of time in the state as a result.