The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.
The Board heard several 2021 fiscal year funding requests. It started with Assault Care Center Extending Shelter and Services (ACCESS). Executive Director Tess Cody said they are working with several Greene County organizations to get resource awareness to domestic and sexual violence survivors. Their request was for $5,000. The RSVP 55+ volunteer organization reported volunteers read to 118 Greene County Elementary students, and 24 volunteers helped 27 clients with either in-home services or the Grocery Assistance Program (GAP) last fiscal year. They requested $3,000. Greene County Early Learning Center talked about the new building project and requested $5,000 for operational expenses. Jefferson Congregate Meals requested $12,000 and Mike Piepel asked for $1,200 for three individuals still needing indigent care. The Board took no action following the requests.
The Board then approved a pay request to Midwest Mechanical Industrial of $50,711 for work completed on an improvement project in drainage district 14, the County Treasurer’s investment report of $7,026,506 and issuing 301 driver’s licenses last month, and the County Recorder’s report of fees for November of $26,854. Additionally, the Board hired Tony Janssen as a full-time courthouse custodian, with a starting salary of $36,000, with a $1,000 increase once he passes his boiler certification. The Board also approved transferring $58,872 from the capital project fund to the general fund for bond-related costs and the 2019 fiscal year cost allocation plan for the 2021 fiscal year budget.
The Board also heard an update from Jefferson City Administrator Mike Palmer. He gave an update on the five City-owned downtown buildings and mentioned that the City is looking into combining the Jefferson Matters: Main Street Arch Alley project and the public parking lot west of City Hall into one resurfacing project.
During open forum, it was mentioned that courthouse custodian Mike Wyatt will resign December 31st. The Board will also formally approve hiring a part-time county secondary roads employee with the understanding that the individual will start working this week.