It’s the busiest time of the year for Santa Claus, as he makes his way around the world to find out what kids would like for Christmas. One such location will be the Adel Fire House this Saturday.
The Adel Firefighters Association is hosting their annual Pictures with Santa and Holiday Breakfast event, and they’ll once again have some help from local kids. The Adel Boy Scout Troop 152 will aid the firefighters with the fundraiser, and the proceeds will be split between the two organizations. In exchange for a free-will donation, attendees can get their pictures taken with Santa and have some breakfast served by the scouts. The Man in Red will be on hand from 8-11 a.m., with breakfast served from 8-10 and holiday-themed activities from 9-11. The event is open to the entire community and there are no reservations required.
Anyone with questions is encouraged to reach out to the Adel Fire Department at 515-993-6723.