The Perry City Council convened Monday evening in regular session.
The meeting started with a public hearing regarding an amendment to the Urban Renewal Plan, related to tax increment revenues funding the Community and Economic Development Department. After the hearing, the Council approved a resolution related to the topic. Also in old business, they approved of a minimum assessment agreement with TC and B for the speculative building in the Industrial Park.
In new business, the Council approved a change order and pay request in the amount of $3,360 from Elder Corporation for the Willis Avenue bridge project. They also set a public hearing on the acquisition of agricultural land for the runway extension at the Perry Municipal Airport, which will be held January 6th. Also related to the airport project, the Council approved a professional services contract work order with Bolton and Menk for eminent domain assistance. Other items approved included: tax abatement applications for new construction completed in 2019; the annual financial report and Tax Increment Financing (TIF) certification for fiscal year 2021; and authorizing a yearly interfund loan to the TIF fund.
To learn more about the Perry City Council meeting, listen to today’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program on air and at RaccoonValleyRadio.com.