JMMS receiving grant check. Photo courtesy of JMMS.
One Greene County community recently received a Challenge Grant through Iowa Economic Development Authority.
Jefferson Matters: Main Street was awarded $75,000 for The Public House, which is the former hardware store at the intersection of Chestnut and State streets. The funds will be used to do work on the upper story of the building, along with the exterior facade. The local match to receive the grant was $308,100.
Jefferson Matters: Main Street was one of 14 recipients of the grant for a total of $1 million given by Iowa Economic Development Authority. The grants help local improvement projects, including upper story renovations, critical building stabilization and facade restoration and upgrades.
This is JMMS’ third challenge grant that they’ve received. The last two were for the Prairie Lakes Area Education Agency upper story renovations on the north side of the downtown square and the Kendall building, which is now Sensibly Chic, on the south side of the square.