Unemployment continues to steadily drop across the Raccoon Valley Radio listening area.
According to Iowa Workforce Development, Greene County had 0.5-percent decrease in unemployment from August to September to 1.8-precent. Guthrie County saw a drop in the percentage of those without a job from August to September of 0.3-percent to 2.1-percent. Dallas County stays under two-percent unemployment in September of 1.6-percent, which is down 0.2-percent from August.
All three counties are slightly behind where they were compared to last year. Iowa Workforce Development reports Dallas County was at 1.5-percent, Greene County was at 1.6-percent and Guthrie County was at 1.9-percent unemployment in September 2018. However, all three counties are ahead of the state’s unemployment rate of 2.5-percent for last month. The national unemployment rate was 3.5-percent.