
With the upcoming city and school elections, Raccoon Valley Radio is hosting a special program featuring some of the contested races.

The Meet the Candidates In-Depth News Magazine will air on Tuesday, October 29th at 7pm, followed by a re-airing on Monday, November 4th at 1pm. Each program will be station specific. The candidates running for the Adel-DeSoto-Minburn School Board will be featured on KDLS 1310AM/99.7FM. The Jefferson mayoral and city council candidates, as well as the Greene County School Board candidates will air on KGRA 98.9FM. On KKRF 107.9FM will be the candidates running for Panorama School Board, West Central Valley School Board and Guthrie Center City Council. 

After the first airing, each program will be available through our on-demand option on the raccoonvalleyradio.com website. Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th.