
Genesis Development continues to transition services.

Earlier this week, Genesis announced that its services to individuals with developmental disabilities would be with Imagine the Possibilities starting October 28th. Most of Genesis employees can transfer employment to Imagine without gaps in benefits or waiting periods. However, if a service is not provided by Imagine for a client, they will work with them to find another service. 

Additionally, Genesis announced that they will stop recycling services at the central drop-off location in Jefferson. Genesis has been processing recyclables in Jefferson since 1992, but Imagine has made the decision to no longer provide these services. Imagine will also discontinue the other business in the facility with Custom Boxes Online. The service will end on October 31st. The City of Jefferson provides curbside recycling for residents and businesses. All recycling drop boxes must be removed from the property by the same date. 

The moves come after the non-profit organization announced a budget shortfall for the last quarter of the fiscal year. Another previous change was moving the company’s CEO Wendy Malone to an advisory position. The previous CEO Terry Johnson retired this past summer after 40 years of service to Genesis.