Time Schedule: 4:15 p.m. – Middle School Boys
4:30 p.m. – Middle School Girls
5:00 p.m. – High School Boys (Varsity)
5:20 p.m. – High School Girls (Varsity & Junior Varsity)
5:50 p.m. – High School Boys (Junior Varsity)
Teams: ADM (MS), Ballard, Boone, Creston, Denison, DM North (HS),
Perry, Roland-Story (HS), Winterset, Woodward-Granger
Course Site: Perry Golf & Country Club. Two miles north of Perry on Highway 144. Turn east on
330 th Street. The course will include many hills and turns. The runners will have a
painted path to follow with appropriate markings and course monitors along the
route. A lead cart and a trail cart will be present.
Please park buses in the Country Club Lot. Personnel will assist with spectator
parking in designated areas.
Course Maintenance: Please respect the country club course and facilities. Please stay off of greens.
Also, please remind your team to be responsible for your camp area upon
completion of the event. Notify spectators, that in accordance with IGHSAU/IHSAA
regulations only service pets are allowed on the course.
Scoring & Awards: Run 7 score 5 in all classes. All runners be issued chips that will be scanned at the
finish line. One chute finish. Teams with less than 5 runners will compete in the
varsity division. Varsity: Team Trophy and 7 medals to each Team Champion,
Medals 1 st -15 th Place. Middle School: 1 st -15 th Place Ribbons.
Registration: Register at http://www.endresultcompany.com/xc/