
The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors will meet in regular session today.

The meeting will begin with the Board receiving a quarterly report from the Veteran Affairs Commision, and the Board discussing employee flex spending accounts with County Human Resources Director Pam Lane. Next, the Board will review the Iowa Municipal Works Compensation Association Insurance audit, and receive a property and liability insurance quote for the 2020 calendar year from Becky Benton of State Street Insurance.

The Board will then consider approving plans for a bridge replacement project on Chestnut Road, as well as right-of-way purchase agreements for the bridge replacement. They will also discuss amending their agreement with architecture firm Shive-Hattery for the law enforcement center addition project. Finally, the Board will discuss and consider action on Information Technology projects for fiscal year 2020.

The Board meets at 9 a.m. at the Guthrie County Courthouse.