Don’t be alarmed to see fire trucks at the Stuart and Dexter Elementaries this week, as several local volunteer fire departments will be partnering to promote National Fire Prevention Week.
Stuart Fire Chief Mike Renslow says his department is expanding their efforts to educate kids on fire prevention by visiting both elementary buildings this year, “With the redistribution of the buildings, it’s kind of a good opportunity for all of our departments to work together, that we’re all in it together. And you know there’s Stuart and Menlo kids going to the Dexter Elementary and vice-versa, Dexter and Redfield kids coming to the Stuart Elementary.”
Renslow says this week is his favorite aspect of being a volunteer firefighter, getting to teach children the importance of fire safety tactics like sleeping with your bedroom door closed, and planning an escape route with your family. The Stuart, Dexter, Menlo, and Redfield Fire Departments will be collaborating Tuesday to visit with all the Pre-K through fifth grade students, and select the winners of their poster coloring contest. The Stuart Elementary winners will be awarded breakfast with the firefighters and a firetruck ride to school, and the Dexter Elementary winners will have lunch with local firefighters and get a firetruck ride as well.