The American Legion recently expanded its eligibility requirements.
President Donald Trump signed into law on July 30th the “Let Everyone Get Involved In Opportunities for National (LEGION) Service Act.” The new law allows for more individuals to join the American Legion. The two war time periods for eligibility include April 6, 1917, to Nov. 11, 1918, and Dec. 7, 1941 to a time that the United States is no longer facing hostilities.
Those who want to join the American Legion must have been honorably discharged or who are still serving. The other requirements include all active duty members of the armed forces and reservists and National Guard members with at least one day of federal active duty.
The Floyd W. Brown American Legion Post #11 in Jefferson encourages those service members to contact them about joining the local organization. The Jefferson American Legion meets the second Monday of the month at 7pm at the Jefferson Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Hall. Other contact information can be found in this story on our website at raccoonvalleyradio.com.
Additional contact information includes Post Commander Phil Thompson at 515-391-7211, Vice-Commander Jim Andrew at 515-386-8358, Adjutant Barb Labate at 515-386-5547 or Officer Dallas Schrader at 515-386-4571.