The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday night in regular session.
During open forum, Jefferson resident Chuck Greiner spoke to the Council about the feral cat issue. He advocated for the Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) program saying it would help control the feral cat population and keep illnesses with humans down. He also mentioned feral cats keeping other pests, such as rats, away from home. The Council took no action following Greiner’s comments.
The Council appointed Jacob Fester and Ted Semke to the City’s volunteer fire department, along a resolution to increase the per call rate for firefighters from $15 to $20. They also approved a single membership, as a benefit, for firefighters to use the Greene County Community Center.
Additionally, the Council approved purchasing police administration vehicles of $33,000 for a 2019 Ford F-150 truck and $27,000 for a 2019 Dodge Charger. Payment would come from the police department budget in the City’s general fund. The Council also approved the first reading to amend ordinances to increase water and sewer rates each by three-percent.
Finally, the Council held the 2021 fiscal year budget priority workshop. The top three priorities from the Council include housing, obtaining grants and economic development.