
Since the start of July, the Dallas County driver’s license station in Adel has served over 5,500 people, more than the Department of Transportation stations in Ames and Council Bluffs, further highlighting the need for new operations of the function.

Dallas County Treasurer Mitch Hambleton, who’s office currently operates the station, says the state will be stepping in very soon, and big changes are on the way. “Dallas (County) is really an outlier within the state, we issue many more licenses than does any other county in the state. So with that, the (State) Legislature passed a law that said that in 2020 the DOT is taking over issuing driver’s licenses in Dallas County. What that means then, is that come January 1st driver’s license issuance in the County will be a state function. Meaning, that it’ll no longer be under the County, it’ll no longer be part of my department.”

Hambleton adds, the DOT is still looking into locations for the new driver’s license station, though the current location at 918 Court Street in Adel doesn’t appear to be an option. The County has leased that building through next April. The state is looking at purchasing an existing building, as opposed to building a new one, and various County officials have said that the location will most likely be in Waukee. To learn more about this and other topics involving the Dallas County Treasurer’s Office, click the link below to listen to the Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program with Hambleton.
