Tuesday, September 3rd
8:12am: A deputy attempted to locate cattle out on 130th Street near Y Avenue.
9:00am: Kelsy Reed 27 of Jefferson was booked into the jail to serve a sentence.
10:05am: A deputy assisted with a medical call in the 800 block of East Hager Street, Grand Junction.
10:17am: Christine Durlam 51 of Jefferson was booked into the jail for theft 1 st degree and fraudulent practices 3rd degree.
12:05pm: A deputy arrested Christopher Christian 38 of Scranton in the 200 block of East Main Street, Grand Junction for driving while barred.
2:05pm: Christopher Christian 38 of Scranton was booked into the jail for driving while barred.
2:45pm: Malissa Brooks 41 of Jefferson was booked into the jail for a parole violation.
4:10pm: Roderick Klampe II 28 of Kelly was booked into the jail to serve a sentence.
4:27pm: A deputy investigated a verbal domestic in the 900 block of 110th Street.
4:33pm: A deputy assisted a motorist on U Avenue near 33 th Street.
6:00pm: Brianne Wolf 28 of Lohrville was booked into the jail for assault on persons in a certain occupation.
7:17pm: A deputy assisted the Jefferson Police Department with a domestic in the 500 block of East Monroe Street.
7:36pm: A deputy assisted with a medical call in the 500 block of Sand Street, Churdan.
7:52pm: A deputy investigated a criminal mischief complaint in the 400 block of East Hager Street, Grand Junction.
7:57pm: A deputy investigated a theft in the 600 block of 18th Street, Grand Junction.
8:01pm: A deputy investigated a verbal domestic in the 600 block of B Avenue.
In all cases when a defendant has been charged, this is merely an accusation, and all defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty.